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How to improve an inhouse washing process

Updated: May 4, 2022

When you are washing the workwear for your employees you have at least them as fans. They will really love the fact that they get clean clothes every day. So, if that’s your strategy you are doing great!

But, after a couple of months you look at the process and find out that it’s a lot of work. Is it possible to improve and who can help me with this?

Most people go to their local store and buy the machines they know. Industrial machines are much more expensive and they will also do the laundry, right? My answer: NO, you cannot do heavy duty with light equipment.

First some facts

  • You are using a good quality consumer machines

  • These are not suited for antiviral washing

  • There is no control on this process

  • Temperature above 50 degress are not necessaire

  • You cannot ad the right chemicals in the right prescription

  • The machines are not equipped for heavy duty

  • They will not clean

  • You cannot guarantee this works in your hygiene process

  • It will take much more energy and time to process the laundry

Basically you are giving people clean clothes to work in and that is the only benefit you have right now.

Steps you can take

  • Greenwear

Much more comfortable to wear. The fabric is light but also very good with sweat and water. It will dry while wearing instead of the current cotton shirts.

Second the trousers. They are made for as well men as women. So less models and very easy to choose in the morning. Also easy ordering. The whole collection is unisex except the leggings 😊

Further we have managed to decrease the time you spent on folding and processing. The fabrics are easy to fold and it’s very easy to find the size. We have tested and the process is normally 25kg per hour, Greenwear is up to 45 kg per hour. Also you can fill the machines much better cause the trousers are much lighter than any workwear in the market.

  • Industrial machines

Better on all fronts. Off course the initial costs will be higher but as you have found out by now that you have a semiprofessional launderette in the house. I can assure you an antiviral process which will improve your process 100% on costs and antiviral outcome. Together with Chrysteyns we can help you with this.

These machines will work faster, last longer, cut cost on maintenance, programmable for antiviral, more efficient!

Need more info? Please call me 0031-6-61365344

Roland van Gulik

CEO Greenwear


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